
eel seedling Learn more about eel seedling

  • The method of preventing cheating by purchasing rice field eel seedlings

    The method of preventing cheating by purchasing rice field eel seedlings

    The method of preventing cheating by purchasing rice field eel seedlings

  • Breeding and stocking of eel fry

    Breeding and stocking of eel fry

    Eel fry breeding is the production process of growing eel fry into eel seeds weighing more than 10 grams. This stage needs to be cultivated in three different types of ponds, namely, a first-level pond, a second-level pond and a third-level pond. Eel species is the basis of adult eel culture, and the quantity and quality of eel species directly affect adult eel culture.

    2020-11-08 culture eel fry breeding and stocking
  • Domestication techniques of wild ricefield eel seedlings

    Domestication techniques of wild ricefield eel seedlings

    Domestication techniques of wild ricefield eel seedlings

  • Identification of eel seedling varieties

    Identification of eel seedling varieties

    At present, it is the Yangtze River eel seedling flood season, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong and other provinces and cities fishing vessels gathered in the Yangtze River Estuary fishing. Because the eel seedlings produced in the Yangtze River are "Japanese eels", it is better than "European eels" produced in France, "American eels" produced in the United States, "Australian eels" produced in Indonesia and Australia and "Filipino eels" produced in the Philippines. There is not only obvious difference in price, but also suitable for breeding in our country. In order to avoid being deceived by farmers in buying eel seedlings, the characteristics and identification methods of all kinds of eel seedlings are introduced as follows: first, the body color of Japanese eel seedlings is

  • What to pay attention to when selecting wild eel seedlings

    What to pay attention to when selecting wild eel seedlings

    Good quality seed is the prerequisite for successful breeding of eel. Therefore, in the selection of high-quality wild eel seedlings should pay attention to the following ten points. Under normal circumstances, the artificial breeding time is 5~6 months, the weight gain multiple is 2~4 times, and only the individuals with specifications above 100g can be sold at a higher price at the end of the year. Therefore, the weight of seedlings bred in April and May should be above 30g. 2. Try to select cage-caught eel seedlings. There are two sources of artificial breeding and natural capture. The number of artificial breeding seedlings

  • How to choose and buy rice field eel seedlings? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose and buy rice field eel seedlings? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    The meat of Monopterus Albus is very delicious, nutritious and medicinal, so it is a popular nourishing aquatic product. In addition, Monopterus Albus has strong vitality, easy to transport, can be fresh on the market, and has a certain market prospect for the development of artificial breeding of Monopterus Albus. At present, Monopterus Albus is raised.

    2020-11-27 Monopterus Albus seedlings how purchase Seedling method have which
  • Problems and countermeasures in the development of eel industry

    Problems and countermeasures in the development of eel industry

    The main species of eel cultured in China are Japanese eel and European eel. The two resources of European eel have been nearly exhausted, and the annual output has dropped from 3000 tons 30 years ago to 100,000,200 tons. At the meeting of States parties to the Washington Convention (CITES) held in the Netherlands on June 3-15, 2007, European eel was listed in the Appendix Ⅱ to the Convention on Endangered Animals and plants, and will be formally implemented from January 2009: China imports about 60 tons of European eel seedlings, about 150 million eggs, and culture

  • The method of collecting and catching eel seedlings of cultured eel

    The method of collecting and catching eel seedlings of cultured eel

    As eel seedlings have not been artificially incubated so far, eel seedlings mainly rely on natural harvesting. The eel fry flood season is from late December to March of the following year. Fishermen in Zhongshan and other places open their nets at the Pearl River Estuary to collect fish day and night during the ebb and flow tide. Mature parent eels roam from the Pearl River Estuary every year after winter.

    2020-11-08 Culture eel eel seedling gathering method because so far
  • Mixed Culture technique of Monopterus Albus Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    Mixed Culture technique of Monopterus Albus Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    Ricefield eel Loach mixed culture, yes, we often see Monopterus Albus and Loach, they can be mixed culture together, and mixed culture can produce greater benefits and higher yield, let's talk about Monopterus Albus Misgurnus anguillicaudatus mixed culture technology. Mixed Culture technique of Monopterus Albus Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    2020-11-08 Ricefield eel Loach mixed culture culture technology Monopterus Albus
  • Technology of raising yellow eel in artificial cage

    Technology of raising yellow eel in artificial cage

    Technology of raising yellow eel in artificial cage

  • New techniques for rapid fattening of yellow eel

    New techniques for rapid fattening of yellow eel

    New techniques for rapid fattening of yellow eel

  • The method of testing the quality of eel seedlings when purchasing eel seedlings

    The method of testing the quality of eel seedlings when purchasing eel seedlings

    The main results are as follows: (1) Water inspection method: put the purchased eel seedlings into a container, add appropriate amount of open-air water and let them sit for 3 to 5 minutes. (2) Seismic test: remove the eel seedlings floating on the surface after water inspection, then rest quietly for another 3-5 minutes, and hit the container with hands or feet. The eel seedlings of good quality react strongly, and head down, tail up or try to escape; poor quality eel seedlings, slow response, head up, tail down, curling, twitching or belly, etc. (3) Extrusion method: ① uses thumb and

  • The fishing season for eel seedlings has ended and fishing has been banned from March to October.

    The fishing season for eel seedlings has ended and fishing has been banned from March to October.

    The eel fry fishing period ended on February 29. According to the regulations on the Control of Eel Seedling fishing season announced by the Council of Agriculture, except Hualien County and Taitung County, the sea areas within three miles from the shore, intertidal zone and estuarine waters under the jurisdiction of other counties and cities, starting from March 1, 109.

  • How to transport rice field eel seedlings?

    How to transport rice field eel seedlings?

    How to transport rice field eel seedlings?

  • The price and culture method of eel fry

    The price and culture method of eel fry

    The price and culture method of eel fry

  • Experiment on early rearing of eel seedlings in greenhouse

    Experiment on early rearing of eel seedlings in greenhouse

    At present, the cage culture of eel is concentrated in July, the survival rate is high and the risk of culture is low. However, the concentrated acquisition of Miaoyuan is less, the price is high, and the weight gain multiple is low. If the eel seedlings are purchased early and the temperature is unstable, the mortality rate of eel seedlings is high. How to solve this problem? We have carried out the experiment of early rearing of eel seedlings in greenhouse, and the results of the experiment are summarized as follows: first, test conditions 1. Test pool: the newly excavated water surface is 250m long, 4m wide, 1.5m deep and covers an area of 1000 square meters. The water source is the lake

  • Artificial fattening of Monopterus Albus and breeding of Eel seedlings

    Artificial fattening of Monopterus Albus and breeding of Eel seedlings

    The method of artificial fattening ricefield eel: Monopterus Albus culture ponds should be built in places with shelter from the wind and sun, guaranteed water sources and solid soil, such as cement ponds, soil ponds and paddy fields. The area of the pond for culturing ricefield eel depends on the size of the culture, which is generally 20ml / 100m2.

    2020-11-08 Raising ricefield eel artificial fattening and eel seedlings breeding
  • Eel fry fishing season will begin. Chiayi County invites fishermen to cooperate with registration and declaration.

    Eel fry fishing season will begin. Chiayi County invites fishermen to cooperate with registration and declaration.

    The four-month eel fry fishing season in 109 began on November 1. Chiayi County-calls on those engaged in intershore eel fry to register with the fishing association, maintain their own safety and operation order during the operation, and cooperate with the fishing log.

  • Prevention and treatment of spasmodic disease of Monopterus Albus

    Prevention and treatment of spasmodic disease of Monopterus Albus

    Prevention and treatment of spasmodic disease of Monopterus Albus

  • Summary of the reasons for the failure of Monopterus Albus Culture

    Summary of the reasons for the failure of Monopterus Albus Culture

    Raising Monopterus Albus is also one of the special aquaculture, and the economic income of raising properly is higher than that of raising fish, so in rural aquaculture, the number of households raising Monopterus Albus has been expanding in recent years, but many farmers who raise Monopterus Albus have also failed. Check the reasons.

    2020-11-08 Ricefield eel breeding losing reason summary raising ricefield eel too.